Dignity4Patients welcomes the sentence imposed on Michael Shine today. Our first thoughts are with the victims of his crimes and their families who have had to endure years of turmoil which has had a lasting effect on them. Hopefully, today’s events will bring some degree of justice and consolation to the many patients who suffered greatly by the actions of this man who abused his position of trust as a medical doctor during his time at the Lourdes Hospital and at his private practices at Fair Street and Laurence Street in Drogheda. This organisation commends the outstanding courage of the complainants and holds them in the highest regard. Dignity4Patients, which was founded in 2008, will continue to support all who have suffered. Michael Shine was removed from the Medical Register in 2008, having been found guilty of sexual abuse of patients. Dignity4Patients has been calling for many years for a full public inquiry into the sexual abuse of patients in this and other cases and we repeat that call today. The Minister for Health can no longer avoid a full investigation into how this surgeon was allowed to continue his criminal activities, exploiting sick and injured patients for many years. The Medical Council and the nursing board must be seen to address a number of issues in this area including the question of misplaced collegiality. Steps must now be taken to protect patients from sexual offenders in the health service.
Press Contact:
Bernadette Sullivan - Executive Director
Telephone : 086 165 4111
Email: director@dignity4patients.org
Website: www.dignity4patients.org