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Predatory ex-nurse will 'die in jail' after being convicted of catalogue of abuse against young boys

Writer's picture: Dignity 4PatientsDignity 4Patients

By James Tozer - Daily Mail - 23.09.2024 - [ENGLAND] - [Graham Goodchild]

A depraved former children’s hospital night superintendent was today told he faced dying behind bars after being jailed for 25 years for an appalling catalogue of abuse against young boys.

Graham Goodchild, now 82, used his position as a senior paediatric nurse at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool in the 1960s and 70s to carry out sex attacks on boys as young as five.

In a chilling echo of the way twisted Jimmy Savile exploited his fame to abuse scores of hospital patients, the predator targeted victims after winning their parents’ trust.

Taking advantage of having the run of the wards while working nights, Goodchild won permission to take boys on days out before subjecting them to sickening sex assaults.

One victim went to police in 2012 but officers were unable to pursue the case because he was convinced Goodchild had been a doctor. It was only when he uncovered a newspaper cutting and realised Goodchild had been a senior nurse that the monster was finally tracked down.

Goodchild denied the allegations and said he had never met the boys despite the fact they were able to describe his flat in detail.

However a fourth victim also came forward with a strikingly similar account, and after a trial, Goodchild was convicted of 17 counts of sexual assault.

Jailing him for a total of 25 years today at Liverpool Crown Court, Judge David Potter told him: ‘You are 82 years of age and you face the rest of your life behind bars.

‘You have consistently denied the 17 allegations against you and you have therefore forced these men to relive childhood traumas.’ Judge Potter said Goodchild ‘presented an outwards appearance of being a dedicated professional’.

But in reality he was taking advantage of his position to groom the boys and their parents, he said.

Earlier Simon Christie, prosecuting, said Goodchild would take the boys for rides in his estate car.

Abuse usually took place out in the countryside or back at his flat, although one victim was sexually assaulted at the hospital.

In a statement to the court one of the victims said his ‘childhood innocence’ had been ‘destroyed’ by Goodchild.

‘I myself lost all my confidence and I went into a shell,’ he added.

Another said he had been left feeling ‘scared and ashamed’.

‘He destroyed my teenage years,’ he added.

‘I wished I had had the strength to speak out when it was happening but I didn't.

‘He has destroyed so many lives. We may never know how many.’

A third who was abused in Southampton after Goodchild moved to the city told the court he had spent his life addicted to drugs and had tried to commit suicide several times.

He told the court in a statement: ‘I was a vulnerable kid and I did not stand a chance.

‘He destroyed my soul.

‘I will never forget what he did to me. He knows what he did and now I want him to feel the fear that I did as a child.

‘I want him to pay for what he has done.’

The court heard that Goodchild had no previous convictions.

As well as a prison sentence, he will be required to sign the Sex Offender Register for life. Afterwards Detective Constable Jason Banks, of Merseyside Police, who led the investigation, said: ‘Goodchild is clearly a predator and used his position of trust to carry out appalling and despicable offences against young children.

‘The level of offending in this case and the acts he subjected his victims to were truly horrific.

‘I’d like to thank the victims for their immense courage and strength they’ve shown throughout this investigation.

‘This sentencing result has only been made possible thanks to their bravery.’

Specially trained officer Jill Burnett, who supported the victims, added: ‘I hope this also encourages others who might have been subjected to instances of historical abuse to come forward because no time is a barrier to reporting offences.

‘They will get the support and advice they need to help them come to terms with their ordeal, and if they so wish, put their abuser before the courts.’

DJ turned TV presenter Savile was allowed unfettered access to the NHS where he raped and sexually assaulted patients in 41 hospitals during a 24 year reign of abuse, a report found after his death.

The prolific paedophile attacked 60 NHS patients at Stoke Mandeville Hospital alone, where he was given his own private bedroom and 24 hour access to all wards.

Savile died in 2011 aged 84 having never been brought to justice for his crimes. If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this article and were abused in state run medical and health facilities, you can contact Dignity4Patients, whose helpline is open Monday to Thursday 10am to 4pm.


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